
Dining Association Nominations.

The nominations for directors of the Harvard Dining Association closed last night. Many of the candidates for president and vice-president have withdrawn their names and the nominations as they now stand are:

For president - H. C. Lakin L. S., A. R. Sheriff '96.

For vice-president - L. A. Ames '96, L. W. Mott '96, H. H. Davenport '97.

For directors - C. N. Lathrop, H. S. Cotton, Jr., A. Holland, E. V. Frothingham and G. A. Howe from '96; F. A. Burlingame, E. Hollister, E. W. Capen, J. D. Phillips, T. Bowditch, A. Scott and A. K. Moe from '97; B. R. Robinson, L. W. Redpath and J. de K. Towner from '98; O. M. W. Sprague, C. T. Wentworth and Lindsay T. Damon from the Graduate School and instructors; A. C. Matteson, R. S. Eskridge, G. S. T. Newell, Jr., J. D. Arnold, E. S. Page, J. Wiggin and J. L. Wood from the Law School; William Reed and E. K. Rand from the Divinity School.

The election for president and vice-president will be held this evening at dinner. The directors will be elected tomorrow at the same time.

