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Professor Morgan has just edited "Eight Orations of Lysias" published by Ginn and Co.

F. W. Freeborn who pulled No. 3 on the Henley crew, has been elected captain of the Cornell 'varsity crew.

John Harsen Rhoades, Jr. '92, is to be married to Katharine P. Kimball, Tuesday, October 29, at the Arlington street church.

The Dartmouth freshmen won the fall athletic championship, scoring 50 points to the juniors' 47. This is the first time in many years that the freshmen have won the championship.

At the Geological Conference last evening Mr. Daly gave a Review of Geike's "Memoirs of Sir. A. C. Ramsey," which was followed by a report by Mr. F. C. Shrader on "The Orange Esker." Mr. Jaggar finished by a sketch of the "Excursion to Nahant."

