
Fall Tennis Tournament.

The following entries have been made for the fall tennis tournament which begins on Monday. The entries do not close until six o'clock this evening and every one who plays tennis is urged to enter.

Singles-M. D. Whitman '99, Alfred Codman '96, H. S. Grew '96. Philip Stockton '96, R. M. Johnson L. S., F. A. Sterling '98, H. E. Robinson '96, W. B. Birge '99, O. J. Carlton '99, S. M. Chase '99, Bayard Cutting '97, E. F. Chaucey Sp., S. P. Shaw '99, E. R. Marvin '99, H. G. Gray '97, D. Hunter, Jr., '99, W. L. Cahn L. S., H. R. Scott '97, C. H. Parker, Jr., '96, H. Blanchard '98, L. W. Jenny L. S., H. C. Whitfield L. S. S., W. E. Putnam, Jr., '96, A. Ingraham '96, R. H. Loines L. S., P. V. Bacon '98, E. R. Cogswell, Jr. '97, C. F. Crapo '98, R. C. Thomas '96, M. G. Beaman '99, H. C. Ffoulke '98, J. F. Brice '99, J. D. Forbes '99, J. G. Averell '99, S. H. Derby '99, L. E. Ware '99, J. B. Read L. S., J. T. Cooper L. S.

Doubles-Ware and Scudder, Grew and Stockton, Wrenn and Codman, Cutting and Chauncey, Blanchard and Johnson, Satterlee and Derby, Marvin and Whitfield, Beaman and Brice, Averell and Forbes.
