
Meeting of Religious Societies.

There was an important meeting of the religious societies of the University held last evening in the Fogg Art Museum. President Eliot presided and opened the meeting with a short speech. He said in part:

This meeting is representative of the religious societies of the University. We have many societies, embracing young men of great diversity of religious opinions. While these differences of opinion are great, the men can all work together for charitable purposes. It would be impossible to bring all the members of the University together under one creed. They cannot all agree on the means of salvation. But we all agree in the desire to promote truth and morality and can work together to further the best interests of these virtues. This meeting typifies what we all desire, and are doing our best to promote.

The next speaker was Rev. Dr. Francis G. Peabody. He said that the true unity, the unity of spirit, is waiting at our very doors. In all churches and outside of the churches, all are moved by true philanthropy.

Our religious societies represent great differences of opinion. But all are united to perform a common service to our fellowmen, who are not so fortunate as ourselves.

To meet the wishes of those who wish to do practical good, the Student Volunteer Committee was organized. By this committee practical philanthropic work is organized in various branches of human life.


President Eliot then introduced Rev. Endicott Peabody, Master of the Groton School. He spoke enthusiastically on the benefits accruing to those working for others, for in this way they learn what they would otherwise not have known, intellectually, morally, and physically. There is a great cry going up from all the cities for help.

Rev. D. N. Beach, D. D., was next presented. He paid a high compliment to the past and present religious and philanthropic work of the University.

C. E. Noyes '95 and H. E. Addison '96 followed in short speeches.
