
Crew Notes.

'Varsity Crew.

Yesterday afternoon the 'varsity crew again began active training after the Christmas recess. Both squads were somewhat short-handed, so little could be done. The first squad took a short run and the second squad rowed. It seems probable that the present policy of prescribing for the crew candidates long walks and runs on certain days instead of the usual practice on the rowing machines will be continued by the 'varsity coaches.

Freshman Crew.Twenty-three candidates for the freshman crew resumed work yesterday. Mr. Legate had the men row a quick stroke for fifteen minutes. This was all the work the men did. The first crew rowed as follows: Stroke, Perkins; 7, Riggs; 6, Woodward; 5, Aldrich; 4, Reed; 3, Ames; 2, Gillespie; bow, Goodrich.
