

FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 3.30 in Brattle Hall.

H. W. HOWE.FRESHMAN MUSICAL CLUBS.- Concert tonight in Brattle Hall. Men will please be on hand at 7.45.

H. W. HOWE.ZOOLOGICAL CLUB.- Meeting at 7.45 this evening. Dr. G. W. Fitz will speak on a Statistical Study of Respiratory Movements. Members of the University are invited.

'95 NINE.- Game. The following be on Norton's at 3.00 sharp: Phelan, Dodge, Rogers, Cassatt, Whiting, Brown, Bigelow, McAdams, Walker, Reed, Cornish, Eaton, Goodwin, Stevenson, Bent, Brewster.

I. S. ADAMS, Capt.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Rev. Wm. B. King of Christ Church, Cambridge, will address the society in 17 Grays on Wednesday, May 2, at 7.30 o'clock.


J. K. WHITTEMORE, Sec.60 2t

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal in Roberts Hall at 7.30 tonight.

Other rehearsals this week are:

Wednesday night at 7.30.

Thursday night at 7.

Friday night at 7.

No one will be allowed to sing in the concert on Saturday who misses a single one of these rehearsals.

D. C. GREENE, Jr.ALL candidates for the cricket team will be on Holmes Field today at 3 o'clock dressed to play.

P. H. CLARK, Capt.47 tf
