
Class Baseball Series.

The first of the class baseball games will be played this afternoon on Jarvis Field at 4 o'clock between '96 and '97. The complete schedule as at present arranged is as follows:

'96 vs. '97-Monday, April 30 and Wednesday, May 2; in case of tie, Wednesday, May 9.

'94 vs. '95-Friday, May 4 and Tuesday, May 8; in case of tie, Friday, May 11.

Finals-Monday, May 14 and Wednesday, May 16; in case of tie, May 18 or May 21.

The make-up of the teams in the game today will be as follows:


'96. '95.

Bowser, p. Gregory, p.

Morton, c. Dunlop, c.

Whittemore, s.s. Warren, 1b.

Griffin (capt.) 1b. Dean 2b.

Wrenn, 2b. Anderson, 3b.

Hoppin, 3b. Stevens, s.s.

Blye, l.f. Beale, l.f.

Codman, c.f. Garrison, c.f.

Johnson, r.f. Lord, r.f.

(Stillman, p.)
