
Dining Association.

The balloting for president and vice-president of the Dining Association took place last night. As none of the candidates for president received a majority of all the votes cast, there was no election. The balloting was as follows: G. A. Kaven '95, 213; H. C. Lakin '94, 189; W. S. Youngman '95, 133; N. W. Bingham '95, 94; I. S. Adams '95, 91; Scattering, 5.

For vice-president, L. A. Ames '96 received 368 votes and was elected over E. V. Frothingham '96, who received 328 votes.

The two candidates for president who received the greatest number of votes, Kaven and Lakin, will be voted for again tonight during the dinner hour when the election for directors will also be held.
