

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB.- There will be no rehearsal this week.

J. D. GREENE, Sec.ST. MARK'S CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club on Wednesday the 14th, in 6 Claverly, at 7 o'clock. All graduates of the school are invited to be present.

H. D. TUDOR, Sec.H. T. A. L.- All members of the Total Abstinence League and others who are interested in the aims of the organization are asked to meet in Holden Chapel this evening at 7 o'clock.

A. B. KEELER.GEORGE Parsons Lathrop will address the Harvard Catholic Club in Sanders Theatre, Wednesday evening, March 21, at 8 o'clock. His subject will be, "A Thirteenth Century Reformer, Saint Francis of Assisi." The public is cordially invited.

HARVARD LAWN TENNIS CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the executive committee tonight at 7 o'clock, sharp, in 30 Hilton. Very important.


J. B. READ, Sec.THE picture of the Class Day officers will be taken Thursday, March 15, at 1.30 p. m., instead of Wednesday as announced before.

