
Special Notice.

WE offer this Christmas to Harvard men a fine mat surface photograph, 8x10 size, mounted on the best panel in the market, price $3.00, duplicates $1.00 each.

PACH BROS.,H. Wm. Tupper, Photographer and Manager.

59 6tHARVARD men are delighted with the stock of suitings shown by Mr. D. Toy at 71 Beacon street, Boston. Those who wish exclusive styles will do well to call.

31 tfTHE Cambridge Safe Deposit and Trust Co., at No. 424 and 426 Harvard St., cor. of Linden, transacts a general banking business. Checks will be cashed on any Bank or Banking House in the U. S. and interest is allowed upon daily balances subject to check. Special attention given to accounts with officers and students of the University. Banking hours 8 to 2. Safety Vaults open from 8 a.m. to 2, and 5 to 6 p.m.


tfDANCING CLASS. - Mrs. L. J. Chandler's dancing class, Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 9. Address, corner of Main and Inman streets. Private lessons.

1 tfFIN DE SIECLE CLOTHES. - Special prices for students.


11 tf

125 Tremont St., Boston.FOR SENIORS ONLY. - Quite a number of the '95 men have sat for their class photographs and are sending them off to their friends for Christmas. As in former years those who take advantage of this chance never regret it.


59 6t

H. Wm. Tupper, Manager.BELCHER'S Dining Room, Lyceum Building, Harvard square. Board $7.00 per week.

6 tfSTUDENTS. - All Harvard students are specially invited to attend the services for men in St. Paul's Church, on Sunday at 8 p.m. Rev. W. B. King, of Christ Church, Cambridge, will preach on "The Most Difficult Book in the World."

TUTORING in Mathematics A, B, C, D, E, F, 2, 3, 5 and in Engineering Mathematics 1a, Ab. Call or address,

JAMES W. GLOVER,94 Hammond St.
