
University Organizations.

Prohibition Club.

The Prohibition Club held a large and enthusiastic meeting last night. Some additions were made to the list of members, with prospects of more in the near future. After the usual business had been transacted the club listened to an interesting paper on Prohibition work by Mr. L. J. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson invited the club to hold its next meeting at their home, where it will be addressed by Mrs. McCoy, the vice-president of the National Intercollegiate Prohibition Association.

Pi Eta.Last evening the Pi Eta had a house warming in its new club house. The old rooms on Brattle Street have been given up and new quarters have been occupied on Winthrop Square at the corner of Boylston and Mt. Auburn Streets. The house is an old colonial building which has been remodelled and thoroughly fitted for club purposes. It contains, in addition to parlor, library, billiard and committee rooms, a cafe which will be run for the convenience of Pi Eta members.

A corporation was formed yesterday evening with H. F. Buswell '66 as president. A number of graduate members of Pi Eta were present, and the company were entertained during the evening with singing by Mr. Carl Pflueger, the well-known composer of "1492," and Myron Whitney, Jr., '95.


Glee and Banjo Clubs.The 'Varsity Glee and Banjo Clubs gave a very successful concert at Melrose last evening, with D. C. Greene '95 and F. W. Thomas L. S., as soloists. The concert which was announced for this evening at Lexington has been given up, and the next one will be at Lynn on Thursday of this week.
