

CRIMSON. - Candidates who wish to see the committee please be in the office at 7 sharp.

'VARSITY GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp.

H. C. TAYLOR, Sec.THE Board of Directors of the Harvard Dining Association will hold an important meeting this evening at 6.15. It is absolutely necessary that every member of the board should be present and on time.

H. C. LAKIN, Pres.SHAKESPEARE CLUB. - The monthly business meeting will be held this, Thursday, evening, in 18 Hastings Hall, at 7.30. Selections from "Hamlet" will be read.

SAMUEL MAY, Sec.CERCLE FRANCAIS. - Men must be dressed at Brattle Hall today at 1, to go to Pach's, in the barge, to have their picture taken. Men that are late will be left out.


CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - Regular meeting tonight at 6.45 in Holden Chapel. Subject: "Putting our hearts into our work." 2 Cor. 9: 6-8. All members of the University are cordially invited. Semi-annual election of officers after the regular meeting.

DEUTSCHER VEREIN. - Meeting tonight in 18 Holyoke House. Adoption of a new constitution and election of new members. Smoker after the meeting.

FRITZ V. BRIESEN, Pres.NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. - 797th regular meeting, at the rooms of the society, Society Building, Holmes Field, at 7.45 o'clock. Dr. G. H. Parker will address the society. Subject: "The Winking Movements of the Retina in some Crustaceans." Members of the University interested in Natural History are invited.

MR. BIRTWELL with some members of the Student Volunteer Committee will be in Wadsworth House 1, Thursday evening after 7.30, for the convenience of those who have not been able to see Mr. Birtwell on Tuesday mornings, and for those already at work who wish to consult him.
