
Crew Expenses for '92-'93.

The report of the graduate treasurer for the University Boat Club is given below. The treasurer remarks that the expenses of the Boat Club are larger than any of those of the three previous years. The subscriptions were not as large as in previous years, and the receipts fell off in other respects, so that the club was obliged to draw on the surplus fund for more than four thousand dollars.


Balance brought forward, $14.35

Subscriptions, 2,567.09

Hasty Pudding Club, 289.00


Class crews, 850.00

New London Board of Trade, 250.00

Class races, 51.00

Rent of boat, 35.00

Graduate Treasurer, 900.00

Graduate Manager, 3,150.00

Total, $8,106.44


Old debts, $381.53

Launch, 1,534.98
