
Fact and Rumor.

Professor Woodrow Wilson of Princeton President Seth Low of Columbia, and President Gates of Amherst have been asked to act as judges at the Harvard - Yale debate.

In then World's Fair exhibit of the University of the City of New York is the original telegraph battery and instrument used by Morse. There is also the first photograph ever taken of a human face.

In the Inter-scholastic Tennis Tournament, finished in New York city on Saturday, Harvard School captured the first prize in both singles and doubles, while Berkeley took second place in both events.

Prof. S. S. Curry, instructor of elocution here, will conduct a summer school devoted especially to vocal training at Lake Bluff, III.

Harvard has the largest college library in the country. There are 700,000 volumes to 200,000 at Yale, 136,000 at Cornell, and 133,000 at Columbia.


Senior class officers at Andover are F. T. Murphy, President; J. P. Sawyer, Vice-President; M. E. Stone, Secretary; T. F. Russel, Treasurer.

The annual concert of the Yale Glee and Banjo Clubs for the benefit of the 'varsity crew, will be given at Madison Square Garden, April 21.

Chicago University is attempting to combine all the Medical Schools of Chicago into one great Medical College, that shall rival the best European Institution.

George Goldie, who coached the Yale candidates for the hammer and shot last year, is this year to have charge of the candidates for the same events at Princeton.

The Glee Club will sing at Jamaica Plain on the 26th of April, at the Social Union, Brattle Hall on the 27th, and at Malden for the benefit of the High School Library on May 11th.

An entertainment was given Tuesday in the Concert Hall of Madison Square Garden for the benefit of Barnard College. Barnard College for women, is a branch of Columbia University, confers the same degrees and draws its teachers from the same faculty. It has at present eighty-five students.

The Athletic Association of the U. of P. will give open handicap games on May 13. The events will be those usually contested in the games of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association and in addition a mile team race. In this event Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Cornell have been invited to compete. In order to make this annual, a cup has been offered which will become the property of the college winning it three times in succession. All entries will close on May 2 with F. B. Ellis, 217 Girard Building, Philadelphia.
