
French Readings.

Six readings will be given at Fay House (Harvard Annex), 10 Garden St., Cambridge, at half-past four o'clock on Thursday afternoons, beginning on the sixteenth of March. The Readings are given by the Professors in Harvard University for the purpose of increasing the French Department Libraries. The proceeds will be divided equally between the French Department of Harvard University and the French Department of the Harvard Annex.

The dates and subjects are:

March 16 - Racine: Athalie. Professor Bocher.

March 23 - Moliere: Les Precieuses ridicules. Professor Bocher.

March 30 - Octave Feuillet: Le Village.


Professor de Sumichrast.

April 13 - Balzac; Eugenie Grandet. Professor Sanderson.

April 20 - Valabregue: Madame a ses brevets. Maeterlinck: L'Intruse. Professor de Sumichrast.

April 27 - Theodore de Banville: Gringoire. Professor Bocher.

The terms are, for course tickets, five dollars; for a single reading, one dollar. Course tickets are on sale at Sever's and Thurston's, while tickets both for the course and for single readings may be obtained at the office of the secretary of the Annex.
