
English VI.

Debate for Thursday, March 16. 1893.

Question: Resolved, That an amendment should be obtained to the National Constitution by which the right of suffrage shall be extended to women.

Brief for the Affirmative.


Best general references: Forum 11,315; Our Day, II, 41; George Pellew Woman and the Common wealth Pamphlets.

I. Woman suffrage is constitutional- (a)Women are citizens: Rev. Stat. Section Section 1992-1994.-(b) As citizens they are entitled to all the privileges and immunities of U. S. citizens: Justice Bradley, in live Stock Assn. vs. Crescent City, 1 Abbot, 396.


II. Women are qualified for suffrage.

(a)Physically: Pellew, Woman and the Common wealth, 13(b) Mentally, Ibid, 10.(c) Morally: Ibid, 20.

III. Justice demands woman suffrage,

(a)"Taxation without representation is tyranny" T. W. Higginson, Common Sense about Women, 199; Pamphlets. (b) For protection of civil rights: Wendell Phillips; Pamphlets; Charles Sumner's speech, March 7, 1866.(c)It will raise position of woman: Contemp. Rev. LVIII 830, (1890).(d)Women desire it: House Misc, Doc. 46 Cong. 2 Sess. Vol. II, No 1248.

IV. Woman Suffrage would be beneficial; Pamphlets.-(a)By purifying politics:

Woman and the Commonwealth, 22 (1) Lessening corruption.-(2) Raising standard of office holders,-(b) By improving legislation.(1) On temperance: J. D-Long. No Distinction of Sex in the Right to Vote.-(2)On education: ibid.

V. Woman Suffrage is practicable.-(a) Has been a success so far as tried.- (1) In Wyoming: pamphlets,- (2) In Kansas ibid.

VI. No argument can be made against woman suffrage that will not apply to male suffrage: Pamphlets.-(a)Temperament,_(b)Sphere.(c)Refinement. (d) Could not enforce decrees of suffrage. Brief for the Negative.


Best general references: Minority Re-port on Woman Suffrage, 50th Congress. 2nd Session Senate Reports, 1. no. 2543 J. J. Ingalls; The Sixteenth Amendment Forum IV. 1-13 (Sept, 1887). An Appeal. against Female Suffrage, in Nineteenth Century XXV, 781-785 (June 1889). Bushnell's Women's Suffrage. the Reform against Nature.

I The right to vote is not inherent. (a)Not necessarily one of the privileges of a citizen: Supreme Court Decision, Min or vs. Happersett, 21 Wallace 165-178

III Woman's appropriate and Sufficient place is in the home: Senate Report, supra, p. 15.(a)Physically and mentally unfitted for politics: Ibid, p. 11.

III. Women should have equality not identity of rights (a)Their obligations are not the same (1)Taxation: Sen. Rep. supra p. 14 (2) Enforcement of laws: Nineteenth Century, supra, P 781 (b) They are represented in the truest sense Sen. Rep. p. 24.

IV. The Conditions do not favor woman suffrage.-(a)Only a minority of women desire it: Sen. Rep. p. 24; Nineteenth Century, supra.-(b)It would involve-(1) An addition of ignorant and degraded voters: Forum II, 439.-(3)New scandals: Forum II, 447.

V. The experiment in Utah, Kansas, and elsewhere has proved a failure.-(a) The majority of the most intelligent women do not vote.-(b)Governments disorganized.- (c) Inoperative laws in creased.

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