

We invite all members of the University to contribute to this column, but we are not responsible for the sentiments expressed.

To the Editors of the Crimson:

The Board of Directors of the Harvard Dining Association have framed a petition to the Corporation for a new dining hall to be managed and conducted in a manner similar to the present dining hall. The petition has meet the hearty approval of several members of the Faculty, and should it receive enthusiastic support from the students we feel confident that the Corporation will take some action at once.

Everyone must feel the need of a new dining hall, especially if he has experienced the inconveniences of the present overcrowded condition of Memorial Hall. Should the proposed plan be carried into execution, provision would be made for the extra men now at the general tables in Memorial Hall, for the men now on the waiting list, and for the many others who live in Cambridge and desire to board at such an association as Memorial Hall, but are unable to do so at present on account of lack of accommodation. We urge all members of the University who would be helped by the plan to consider the petition with care and to sign it if it meets their approval. We call attention to the fact that men now at club tables in Memorial Hall, who desire to remain there next year, are requested not to sign the petition.

The petition may be seen and signed at Leavitt and Peirce's, at Sanborn's, at the Cooperative, at Lower Massachusetts and in the Auditors office in Memorial Hall.


A copy of the petition follows:

To the President and Fellows of Harvard College:

We, the undersigned, officers and students of Harvard University, do hereby respectfully petition that a new dining hall be immediately erected which shall be governed by an association similar to the present Harvard Dining Association. We are all desirous of entering the new hall next autumn, provided we cannot be accommodated at the Memorial Hall club. tables. Furthermore, with the exception of the committee from the board of directors of Memorial we are none of us at present boarding at Memorial Hall club tables.

The reasons for our petition are as follows; -

I. Memorial Hall is at present greatly overtaxed on account of the general table system which was introduced two years ago. This system was adopted on trial by a majority vote of only one in the Board of Directors; and that it has proved unsatisfactory is shown by the fact that the men at the general tables are always eager to sit at a club table and that many decline to enter the hall unless they can sit at a club table.

II. Memorial Hall even though overtaxed is unable to accommodate all the students who wish for good and cheap board. Of the nearly 2400 men at present in the Cambridge Departments of the University, Memorial Hall provides for nearly 1100, Foxcroft for over 200. Leaving in Memorial Hall the 750 who could be well accommodated there, the remaining 350 and the 200 on the waiting list at the present time would insure the success of the new association at once. This of

course does not take into consideration the probability of the increased numbers in the University next year.

We further petition that the scheme for the new hall be similar to that now in force at Memorial Hall.

We would suggest as the most favorable site for the hall, the vacant lot on Holyoke Street opposite the Hasty Pudding: Club House.

Respectfully submitted.F. U. STEARNSR. E. DODGEA. L. ENDICOTTCommittee of Board of Directors
