
Statistics of the Freshman Class.

Below is given a comparison of the statistics of ninety-seven and of ninety-six in the freshman year. States represented by less than five are included under the head of scattering. The figures are taken from the list of the class posted in University.

'97. '96.

Massachusetts, 265 251

New York, 68 50

Illinois, 12 11


New Hampshire, 10 1

Pennsylvania, 8 12

Maryland, 8 1

Ohio, 8 5

Maine, 6 11

Minnesota, 6 1

California, 5 4

Scattering, 30 59

Total, 426 406

From the large cities the representation is as follows:

Boston, 77 59

New York, 43 26

Chicago, 10 8

Washington, 7 8

The statistics of the Yale freshman class may be interesting by way of comparison. They are as follows:

New York 155, Connecticut 145, Pennsylvania 41, Ohio 33, New Jersey 28, Illinois 26, Massachusetts 23, Missouri 11, Michigan 8, Colorado 8, Maine 6, Kentucky 6, Minnesota 5, District of Columbia 5, Vermont 4, California 4, Scattering 38; total 546.

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