

VARSITY FOOTBALL.- First eleven dressed to play at 3 p. m.; second eleven at 3.45 p. m.

B. G. WATERS.THE annual games of the Adams Academy Athletic Association will be held at the grounds of the school building on Founder's Day, 30 October, at 10 a. m. All graduates and friends of the school are cordially invited to attend. Train leaves for Quincy at 9.45.

THERE will be a regular meeting tonight at 7.30 of the Chess and Whist Club at the D. U. Hall, over Brewer's market, corner of Brattle and Palmer streets. This is a very important meeting, and every member is requested to be present. The questions of weekly meetings and of dues must be settled.

O. K.- Initiation of second eight tonight (Tuesday) at eight o'clock, in 9 Matthews Hall. All former members of the society are cordially invited to be present.


