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'93 NINE. - Be on Norton's at 3.30 for practice.

C. MERRIAM, Capt.ROWING CLUB. - Canoe race at 4 this afternoon in clubs canoes. Course 3-8 of a mile, finishing at boat house. Fee 25c. Cups to winners. Men not entered already may sign at boat house or Leavitt's before 3. Those entering alone will be assigned partners and should come down for practice at 3.30.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Rehearsal today at 4.30. Very important. All must be present. Concert Tuesday.

'94 NINE. - The following men be out on Jarvis today at 3.30 sharp to play '95: Co-bu.n, Quigley, Linfield, Gale, Clark, Hapgood, N. Cabot, Gray, Frothingham, Harding.

J. B. LOWELL, Capt.'92 NINE. - The following men must be on Norton's field at 3.30 sharp: Hollis, Codman, Young, Rankin, H. Wood, Curtis, Brown, Lake, Cummin, Allen and Stetson. All those who can will be on Jarvis at 11, others at 12.


P. L. SPALDING.FRESHMAN NINE. - The following men will be on Jarvis dressed to play '94 at 3 sharp: Gilmore, Reed, Coonley, Smith, McAdams, Walker, Rogers, Phelan, Whittemore, Whiting, Dreyfus.
