
The Freshman Nine.

The freshman nine will leave Cambridge this afternoon at about 2.45 p. m., on their way to New Haven, taking the four o'clock express from Boston and stopping ever at Meriden for the night. The men will go to New Haven on the 9 o'clock train on the following morning and return on the evening train of the same day.

Since the last game with Yale, the freshmen have made some improvement, most noticeable in base-running and batting. The make-up of the team will be considerably changed from that of the last game. Reed and McAdams will be the battery at first and will probably be kept throughout the game. In case of heavy hitting on Yale's part, or of any accident, Gillmore, Coonley and Webb can be called upon to pitch, while Walker will go down as substitute catcher. Cassatt who took Phelan's place at second in the first game, will play in that position on Saturday while Phelan has been relegated to right field. Another change had been made in left field by putting Bigelow in Dreyfus's place.

The order in which the men will bat and the positions they will fill are, Phelan r.f., McAdams c., Bigelow l.f., Wadsworth c.f., Cassatt 2b., Whittemore 3b., Whiting s.s., Rogers 1b., Reed p., Gillmore, Coonley, Webb, Stevenson and Walker will be taken as substitutes.
