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Greek 2 will hereafter meet with Professor J. W. White in Sever 30 instead of Harvard 1.

The Harvard cricket team beat Brockton Saturday by a score of 62 to 50.

Among the prominent men at the Harvard-Princeton game on Saturday were J. P. Lee '91, W. W. Willard '87, Allen '86, Arthur Lockett '92, Evert J. Wendell '82, Captain Murphy of the Yale nine and Caspar W. Whitney.

The list of Boylston prize speakers is as follows: S. L. Cromwell '92, G. Grinnell '92, E. A. Read '92, R. M. Gillespie '92, J. E. Givens '92, D. Churchill '93, S. P. R. Chadwick '92, D. T. Clark '92, A. de V. Tassin '92, C. J. F. Bruegger '92, F. B. Gallivan '93, and C. L. Hanson '92.

The Yale and Princeton base ball managements have decided to play the third and last game of their championship series whether there is a tie or not. The game will be played in New York on June 18.


Senator Gallinger of New Hampshire has introduced a bill in the Senate making it necessary for the schools of the district of Columbia to prepare students to pass the admission examinations for Harvard.
