
Prospect Union Association.

A meeting will be held tonight in Sever 8 at half-past seven of all who are interested in such work as is being done at present by the Prospect Union. The object of the meeting is to complete the organization of an association in the University of those who desire to help such work but who cannot give enough time to engage in it actively. A preliminary meeting was held before the mid-years to consider the advisability of forming such an association. At that time the subject was carefully discussed and a committee appointed to draw up a suitable constitution for the association. That committee will make its report tonight, and the final steps in the organization of the association will be taken. The movement is an important one for the Prospect Union, and all who have the interests of the Union at heart should attend the meeting.

In addition to this business the officers of the Prospect Union will bring up the question of university settlement work. The Union has some money which it can devote to starting a settlement, and is ready to help the work if there are men who desire to go into it.
