
Princeton Mott Haven Team.

There are only sixty candidates for the Princeton Mott Haven team, but Captain Vredenburgh is very sanguine in his belief that Princeton will be strongly represented when the great day comes. The loss of Cary is of course regretted but there are other men in college for the 100 and 220 yard dashes who are expected to pass Harvard and Yale's best sprinters. There is also a confident feeling that Woodbridge '92, in the mile, and Turner '93, in the half-mile, are tolerably sure winners in these events.

In speaking of the advisability of entering a tug-of-war team, Capt. Vredenburg is quoted as saying that Princeton will support Harvard and Yale in making every effort to do away with this sport, but he doubts whether they could carry their point, owing to the opposition of the smaller colleges. He also said that an effort would be made to strike the bicycle races from the list of events, and that, in spite of Harvard's antagonism, there is some chance that the scheme may prove successful. Some of the most promising candidates are given below:

For the shot and hammer events: Holly '95, Wheeler '94.

For the sprints: Vredenburgh '92, Swain '94, McNulty '95, Payne '95, Norris '95, Haynes '95, Blair '95, Hodge '95, Corson '95.

For the 440 yds. run: Turner '93, Hosford '92, Norris '95, Simpson '93, L. Brokaw '93, McWilliams '92, Betts '92, Campbell '92, E. S. Smith '94, Haas '94, McIlwain '94, De La Vergne '92, Thatcher '95.


For the half mile: Woodbridge '92, Betts '92, Thatcher '95, Burnett '94, Turner '93, Holland '95, McWilliams '92, R. Ramsdell '94, McIlwain '94, Brodie '94, and Hallock '93.

For the mile walk: Borcherling '93, and Ottley '93.

For the high jump: Brokaw '93, Campbell '94, Baldwin '94, McCormick '95, North '93.

There are men training also for the two mile bicycle race, the hurdles and the pole vault. Ramsdell is the best man in college for the broad jump.
