

DEUTSCHER VEREIN, - Meeting tonight at 8 o'clock.

J. L. STRAUS, Sec.ALL candidates for the University nine both old and new candidates will report at the Carey Building at 4 p.m. today.

H. A. A. - There will be no regular training for the Mott Haven team until Wednesday.

JOHN S. COOK.HARVARD RELIGIOUS UNION. - Professor George H. Palmer will speak tonight at 6.45 in Sever 10. All members of the University are invited to be present.

W. T. BREWSTER, Sec.FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Rehearsal to-day (Monday) at 4.30 in 27 Holyoke. All must be present.


THE volunteer courses in vocal training and vocal expression will resume work Tuesday at the same hours as last term. Tuesdays 9-10 and 3.30. Thursdays 3.30. Those desiring special hours for individual lessons will please call at Holden Tuesday from 11 to 3.30. Those wishing a course in class, at 4.30.

