
Concert of the Musical Clubs.

A joint concert given by the Glee Banjo and Mandolin Clubs will be held this evening in Brookline Town Hall for the benefit of the Lawrence School. A barge for the members will leave Leavitt & Peirce's at seven o'clock, returning after the concert. Late cars will leave Brookline for Boston and Cambridge after the close of the dance which will last from 9.30 until 12. Tickets may be had at Leavitt's. The matrons of the dance are Mrs. Joshua Crane, Mrs. A. W. Donald and Mrs. C. W. Lewis. The programme of the concert is printed:



1. Glees: (a) Johnny Harvard.

(b) The Mulligan Musketeers.


(c) The Tartar Idyll.

2. Banjo Club:

Siber's Schottische.

3. Glees: (a) Sensible Serenade.

(b) The Man of Thessaly,

(c) The Dragon.

Solo by Mr. S. E. Farwell.

4. Mandolin Club:

Moorish Serenade. - Chapi


1. Banjo Club:

Newsboys' Chorus.

2. Glees: (a) Miller's Song:

(b) What will she say?

(c) Baa, Baa, Black Sheep.

3. Mandolin Club:

Loin du Bal - Gillet.

4. Glees: (a) The Rhein and the Moselle,

(b) The Pope.

(c) How can I Leave Thee.

(d) Simple Simon.

(e) Fair Harvard.

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