

UNIVERSITY CREW. - All collectors will please call at 22 Beck between 11 and 1 Saturday.

J. H. MORGAN, Mgr.THE following men will please be at Carey Building at 1.00 p. m. to act as ushers at the Freshman Game. Be sure to be prompt. H. S. Grew, R. G, Wads-worth, H. Storrs, B. Frothingham. F. M. Forbes, T. G. Stevenson, E. H. Clark, R. B. Williams, J. C. Hunt, R. Morse, L. Blagdon, J. L. Bremer Jr., A. Codman, H. A. Curtis. G. S. Derby, E. N. Jones, M. Ely, G. G. Amory, R. Codman, C. W. Norton, P. Stockton; G. L. Wrenn.

W. S. SOULE, Mgr.PHILOSOPHY 5. - The visit to the Associated Charites of Boston will be on Saturday morning, Nov. 26th. Meet at the Charity Building, Chardon St. Boston, at 10.30 a. m.

