
Publications at Chicago University.

It will not be long before the University Press, which has charge of all the printing and publishing carried on by the University of Chicago, will begin its important work. The three most notable periodicals which it is to publish will be devoted to University Extension, Economics, and Geology.

The University Extension World, as this new magazine is called, will be edited by George Henderson, director of the university, and it will also be the official organ of the University. Extension Department, publishing from time to time articles to supplement the regular course in the University. The magazine will not limit itself to the University alone, but will strive to extend the movement all over the civilized world.

The quarterly journal of Economics will be under the efficient management of Professor Laughlin. It is of interest to Harvard men to know that Professor Laughlin was instructor in Political Economy in Cambridge from 1878 to 1883; for the last two years he has been at Cornell.

The third periodical, a scientific journal devoted exclusively to the interests of geology will be under the charge of Thomas C. Chamberlain, head professor of geology and dean of the scientific school.


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