
Chess Tournament.

The Harvard Chess Club has received a copy of the deed of gift of the $400 challenge chess cup, together with the final regulations to govern the inter-collegiate tournament. The competing colleges are Yale, Columbia, Princeton, and Harvard. The names of P. H. Butler, John Greenough, James J. Higginson, Edward King, and H. W. Poor appear as donors on the part of Harvard; and the Yale list includes E. A. Caswell, the originator of the scheme, and Chauncey M. Depew.

The tournaments are to be held in New York during the winter vacation of the colleges. Each college sends two representatives, one of whom must be an undergraduate. No member of the professional or graduate schools can represent his university unless he is a graduate of that university. Each man plays one game with each player not from his own college, and the college making the highest score holds the cup for the year. Medals are given to the winning team.

The Manhattan and Brooklyn Chess Clubs have offered, through the Harvard Chess Club, the use of their rooms for the inter-collegiate tournament and the offer is being considered by the donors of the cup.

The officers of the club are anxious to send down the strongest possible team, and urge every chess player to enter the tournament by signing the blue-book at Hubbard's.
