
Junior Crew.

Since the Christmas vacation, the junior crew candidates have been at work very assiduously every afternoon going through the regular routine of dumb-bell exercise, a half-hour's work at the rowing-weights, and a brisk run of from three to ten miles. Up to last Saturday, over twenty men had it in their mind's eye to row in the '93 boat next May; but on Saturday, the ambitions of several of these were unavoidably thwarted and at present exactly sixteen men are left in the lottery for places, - that is, sixteen men exclusive of Capt. Burgess and D. Osborne Earle, who are coaching the crew in their accustomed spirited manner.

Yesterday, as at 5.30 o'clock, fifteen sweaters were peeled off from as many broad backs in the dimly-lighted rowing room of the gymnasium, the candidates for the '93 crew grasped their oars in the following positions:


Stroke, G. Burgess (J. Baldwin).

7 C. Brewer.


6 C. W. Keyes.

5 D. B. Duffield.

4 C. B. Pike.

3 R. G. Miller.

2 R. Macallister.

Bow, A. J. Dibblee.


Stroke, C. R. Falk.

8 G. Collamore.

6 A. N. Broughton.
