
Special Notice.

ENGLISH A.- Two seminars will be given at Grays 25 on Friday, June 5, at 2.30 and 7.30. At the first, literature lectures through Dryden will be reviewed; at the second, the remaining literature lectures. Rhetoric lectures since the hour examination will also be reviewed. Especial attention paid to those on "description" and "argumentative composition." Fee $1:50 for each seminar.

G. R. NOYES. E. K. RAND.92-4t

TUTORING in Physics B, History I, Math. E, German A.

C. H. LINCOLN, 25 Weld.92-2t eod.

EXPERIENCED tutoring by specialist, in French and German courses.


W. F. GILSE, '89, 60 Mt. Auburn St.92-3t.

TUTORING in Fine Arts 3. Publisher of notes in the course.

WM. H. WIGGIN, JR., 14 Stoughton Hall.PLEASANT, well furnished rooms in private family at number seven Brown St., next to the corner of Brattle St. For summer and fall terms. 92-6t.

HISTORY 14 SEMINAR-Wednesday at 7.15 p. m. Important points for the examination will be discussed. Fee $2.

J. A. BAILEY, 31 Stoughton.91-3t.
