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The Andover ball team has been selected and sent to the training table. They are: Rustin, Turner, Murphy, Ketchum, Jennings, Hinkey, Millard, Crawford and Sheffield. The suits of the team consist of yale gray shirts and pants, blue stockings and belts, and black sweaters. The shirts have on the breast "P. A." and the sweaters "A." in blue.

At the New Jersey Athletic Club games at Bergen Point on Saturday, O. W. Shead '93 won first place in the broad jump, with an actual jump of 21ft. 10 in. This eqals the former Harvard record. T. Richardson '94 was first in the 100 yards with a handicap of six yards; time 10 1-5s. G. F. Brown Jr., '92, won third place from the 3 1-2 yard mark. Brown was pocketed and spiked in the finals, but the foul was not allowed. S. Wells, Jr. '91, came in a close third in the quarter mile from the 12 yard mark. The winner's time was 51 1-5s. Wells had a lame ankle and was badly used up at the finish.
