
Harvard 11; Clydes 3.

The game yesterday was characterized by heavy batting throughout. The Harvard team played with few errors, and bunched their hits. Wiggin was in the box. He pitched an excellent, steady game holding the visitors down to six hits, and giving only one base on balls. Hovey had most to do on our side, and with the exception of his one error, did it all well, handling several hot liners very prettily. For the visitors Walmsley played a beautiful game at third. His throws across the diamond were marvels of accuracy.

Harvard retired the visitors without much trouble in the first inning and then started in to make runs herself. Dean got his base on balls, Hallowell singled to left, and Hovey cleared the bases and came home himself on a long drive to centre. Trafford made a single, but was forced out at second. Frothingham and Alward were retired on a double play, and the inning closed with Harvard three runs to the good.

In the first half of the second inning the Clydes almost tied the score. A base on balls, a hit, a sacrifice and Alward's fumble of a hard hit grounder let in two runs. This was the last time, however, that the visitors scored until the ninth. In the fourth inning Wiggin really struck out the first three men at the bat, but suffered from a bad decision of the umpire. He assisted, however, to put out the man who gained by this decision. Indeed, his fielding throughout the game was as good as his pitching. In the fifth inning, with one man out and a man on first base, Ladd knocked a hard fly to Hallowell, who captured it very prettily, and made a double at first. In the ninth, Walmsley, who was first at the bat, hit to centre and came in on Sullivan's two begger. Sullivan got to third on McKie's sacrifice, but was left there. Harvard made a run in the third on a base on balls and Hovey's two begger, and another in the fifth on a very wild throw by short stop to first base. But the great scoring for the home team was made in the ninth. Then Hallowell, Hovey, Alward and Cobb each got base hits. The Clydes seemed to lose their control over the ball, and four errors in rapid succession, aided by these hits, brought the score up to eleven for Harvard.

HARVARD.a. b. r. b. h. t. b. s. h. p. o. a. e.


Dean, 2b., 2 2 1 1 0 2 2 0

Hallowell, c. f., 5 3 2 2 0 1 1 0

Hovey, s. s., 4 2 3 7 0 3 5 1

Trafford, 1b., 4 1 1 1 0 16 1 0

Frothingham, r. f. 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Alward, l. f., 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 1

Cook, 3b., 4 1 0 0 0 1 2 0

Cobb, c., 4 0 1 1 0 4 1 0

Wiggin, p., 4 0 0 0 0 0 10 0

Totals, 35 11 9 13 0 27 22 2
