
Faculty of Stanford University.

Professor D. S. Jordan, recently appointed president of the Leland Stanford University, has announced that the Faculty with which the University will begin work next fall will be made up as follows:

David Starr Jordan, President of the University.

Non-Resident Professor of European History-Andrew D. White.

Professor of American History and History of Institutions-George E. Howard.

Professor of Geology-John Casper Branner.


Professor of Physiology-Oliver P. Jenkins.

Non-Resident Professor of Etymology-John H. Comstock.

Professor of English Literature and Acting Instructor in French-Melville B. Anderson.

Professor of Industrial and Organic Chemistry-John M. Stillman.

Professor of Physics-Fernando Stanford.

Professor of Civil Engineering-Charles D. Marx.

Professor of Analytic Mathematics and Instructor in Elementary Mathematics-Joseph Swain.

Professor of the Latin Languages and Literature-Ernest M. Pease.

Professor of Mechanical Engineering-Horace B. Gale.

Professor of Vertebrate Zoology-Charles H. Gilbert.

Professor of Cryptogamic Botany-Douglas H. Campbell.

Professor of History and Art Education-Earl Barnes.

Librarian-Edwin H. Woodruff.

Assistant Professor of German-James O. Griffin.

Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry-George M. Richardson.

Instructor in Greek-Arthur G. Laird.

President's Secretary and Register and Acting Instructor in Economics-Orrin L. Elliott.

Foreman of the Workshop-Louis A. Buchanan.

Lecturers-Daniel Kirkwood and Jacob Gould Schurman.

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