
Meeting of the Board of Overseers.

At the meeting of the Board of Overseers yesterday it was voted to concur with the President and Fellows in the votes appointing Charles Sprague Smith lecturer on the Icelandic Saga for 1891-92, and Professor William J. Tucker, D. D., and Rev. Brooke Herford, lecturers in the Divinity School, on pastoral care and the conduct of worship for 1891-92; reappointing as preachers to the University for 1891-92, Brooke Herford, Lyman Abbott, D. D., Henry Van Dyke, D.D., and appointing as preachers to the University for 1891-92, Charles C. Everett, D. D., and Leighton Parks, D. D.; also appointing Oliver Jay Fairfield, A. B., as proctor in Divinity Hall for 1891-92, and Edward C. Beckett, M. D. V., as instructor in operative veterinary surgery and superintendent of the veterinary hospital for three years from September next.

The Committee on Elections, to which was referred the subject of making some change in the present method of voting for Overseers at Commencement, made its report, recommending that the Australian ballot system be adopted. The committee urged that if the board did not have the power to make this change it should apply to the legislature for the requisite authority. The report was a long one, going into the details of the plan proposed for adoption.

No action was taken by the Overseers on the report, as before this is done the board deemed it advisable that the alumni should understand what is recommended.
