
Crew off for New London.

The 'varsity crew start today for New London at one o'clock. It may be criticised as follows: J. C. Powers '92, stroke, weight 165, does not start his slide quickly enough on the recover, and hurries his arms on the last part of the stroke. He is regular, and rows hars. No. 7, Kelton, weight 193, is somewhat clumsy with his oar, and on the stroke starts his slide too quickly. He is strong and is to be relied on to do hard work. No. 6, D. R. Vail '93, weight 180, follows No. 7 well in the stroke. He doesn't feather his oar quickly enough, and this makes him slow on the first part of the recover. No. 5, C. K. Cummings '93, weight 180, is very irregular, finding it very difficult to row ten strokes alike. He does not get his arms away quickly enough on recover, and does not swing straight over the keel. He rows hard and would be very effective if he were more regular. No. 4, F. Lynam, M. S., weight 167, works too hard, back of the perpendicular, which makes him settle at the finish and meet his oar. This also makes him slow in getting his arms away on the recover. He rows hard and conscientiously all the time. No. 3, N. Rantoul '92, weight 168, is slow at both ends of the stroke, and rows short. He doesn't keep his oar off the water on the recover. He doesn't control his slide, but gets his oar in and out of the water cleanly. No. 2, F. N. Watriss '92, weight 164, is not entirely accustomed to the 'varsity crew yet, having recently left his class boat. He rows the shortest of any man in the boat and is slow in bringing his strength into the stroke. He handles his oar cleanly. Bow, M. Newell '94, weight 168, is slow at both ends of the stroke. He rows hard but does not handle his oar gracefully, being inclined to begin feathering under water. D. F. Jones '92, weight 164, substitute, rowed yesterday, and G. E. Burgess rowed stroke for the first time on the 'varsity. He hangs badly on the full reach, but he will probably go to New London. He and Jones and Watriss will in that case be substitutes.

W. E. Cobb '94 has been coxswain lately. S. Battelle was put in yesterday. The crew can't row together. There seems to be a break in the stroke in the waist of the boat. The crew will reach New London at about four o'clock and will row up to the quarters almost immediately. Harry Keyes '87 will probably do its coaching. The Yale crew will probably go to New London on Saturday.

The roof of the Harvard quarters has been reshingled and the house generally renovated. A new boat house will be built, with quarters in it for Charlie Hart, which will probably be ready for use this year. The new shell which Davy is building will be ready soon. It is a beautiful boat, made of cedar. There are diagonal braces running from the seat bearing to the rising, and to keep the boat from rolling or sagging heavy iron diagonal braces are fastened across the bit from the gunwale and attached to a supplementary gunwale below. The boat is 60 ft. 6 in long, 9 3-8 in. deep, 24 1-2 in. breadth of beam. with round bottom. This boat will be a little lighter than last year's and will be used for about a week before the race, The race will probably be in the morning unless the roughness of the water prevents. Captain Perkins will not be able to row for some time yet, though he hopes to be in the boat soon after the crew is well settled in New London.
