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We wish to congratulate the crew upon its work of yesterday; not merely for the victory which in reality was of little importance, but on account of the encouraging form which the crew showed. The men this year have been working unusually hard; they have had their discouragements this year, as have all the other crews before them. Throughout the whole season, however, throughout all the drawbacks which they may have had to meet, this year the crew has had the feeling that they are working towards a definite end under a definite system. However the outcome may be for this season, Harvard is started in rowing, as in other sports, in the right direction.

Much of this advancement we owe to Mr. Adams, the present coach. With him the captain and crew have worked together as one man. Their work for the season will close in four weeks. During a greater part of that time it is necessary that the crew be at New London. It should leave Cambridge within a week. It cannot hope or do so, however, unless the college gives more money. The victory depends on this one condition.
