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Something like four weeks remain before the 'varsity crew will go to New London. Such is the present plan of the management. Just now, however, it looks as if the management were to be sadly hampered by lack of money. The crew has been under heavy expense throughout the entire year. Every effort has been made to manage affairs economically; but the fact still remains that at present the funds promise to be inadequate. The only resource to which the crew can look is the generosity of the college. This generosity, we are confident, has not been too heavily taxed this year. Although there are always plenty of subscriptions going the rounds, this year has not been unusually burdensome for the students. An appeal, then, for money, though it comes at this late day, should have a ready response. The great trouble is that men do not give in proportion to what they can afford. It is to them especially and to those to whom the management has been unable to make a personal request that this appeal is directed. The crew is badly in need of money; without it we cannot hope for success. It remains for the college to do its share in bringing this success.
