
Crew Notes.

Yesterday was the first day for the second eight, so-called. It was made up as follows: Stroke, Watriss '92; 7, Jones '92; 6. Steedman '92; 5, Stearns '92; 4, Fitzhugh '91; 3, Parker '91, captain; 2, Burgess '93; bow, Weed '92. It will be seen that this crew is largely made up from the victorious '92 class boat, and will make a good "coaxer" for the 'varsity.

The 'varsity pulled down the river for a four mile stretch back. On getting into the Basin the rough, choppy sea caused Captain Perkins to hesitate a little; but he decided to start and stop when necessary. From Craigie's Bridge to Harvard Bridge the water was very bad. The boat took much water and the men were well drenched. Above Harvard Bridge the water was better. There the second crew was waiting. The 'varsity settled together a little better and gave the "coaxer" a good pull to the next bridge. From this on the 'varsity went alone. The strong head wind and bad water must have made the time slow. Captain Perkins kept the stroke slow and hard the whole distance.

The freshman crew is a good deal changed around since the race. The last two days the order in the boat has been as follows: Stroke, Bond; 7, Waters; 6, Shea; 5, Glidden; 4, Fay; 3, Blake; 2, Johnson; bow, Thompson. Although the crew made a good showing in the class race, it must realize that there is quite a different task in store for it if it intends to win from Yale and Columbia at New London. The men are not earnest enough. They do not put every effort into the work nor get half the good of their coaching by keeping their minds alert and attentive. It is time now for the crew to decide whether it is going to win next June. The time and watermanship are not so good as before the class race. The whole crew is slow at the catch in getting hold of the water and does not put much of any leg work into the stroke.
