
Fact and Rumor.

The Monthly for April is out today.

Blanchard is now rowing with the '91 crew.

Kent has been elected captain of the Exeter nine.

In French 2 a resume of Cinne will be due on Monday.

H. Ware '93, has been obliged to go home on account of illness.


The last Canoe Club "smoker" of the year will be held Thursday night.

The Freshman Glee and Banjo Clubs gave a concert last night in Cambridgeport.

The '94 nine will not play a game this afternoon, the management of the Tech. '93 nine having cancelled the date so late as to prevent the freshmen from getting another game.

The spring concert of the Wellesley Glee and Banjo Clubs will be given on the 11th of May.

It is estimated that the cost of the June Ball at Exeter this year will be at least $400.

Greek I will take up Lucian tomorrow. The marks in the recent hour examination came out yesterday.

The 220 yard track at Princeton has been widened to 21 feet, and the remainder of the track is 18 feet.

Phillips Andover, Belmont High and Chauncey Hall were admitted Saturday to the Interscholastic Athletic Association.

President Andrews, of Brown, announces that Brown University expects hereafter to matriculate students for the degree of B. S. and C. E.

The theses in Greek 6 are due, except for seniors, before Commencement. Seniors must have theirs in probably as early as Class Day.

The Cornell Sun has instituted radical changes in its editorial department. Hereafter eight editors will be elected annually instead of fourteen. Elections will be on the basis of work done and not depend, as heretofore on college politics.- Ex.

The dedication of a cup to Harvard and Yale for competition in track athletics by some graduates of these two colleges has caused considerable comment. The Harvard CRIMSON sees the first signs of a step which will ultimately terminate in the dual league. It was thought that Harvard had realized the fallacy of such a hope some time ago, but if the CRIMSON expresses the sentiment of the college in this matter, it appears that Harvard is still cherishing in her bosom the dream which two years ago made her the subject of ridicule throughout the country.- Columbia Spectator.

The idea of a dream being "cherished" in the "bosom" is somewhat novel, but then, the Spectator is a humorous publication.
