
Scarlet Fever at Yale.

Scarlet fever is going the rounds at Yale, attacking with its usual lack of discrimination some of the very men whom the college can least afford to have laid up at this time of year. Capt. Van Huyck, of the freshman crew, is seriously ill, having caught the fever some days ago by wearing the sweater of another oarsman who is down with the disease. The managers of the Navy feel great anxiety, for the 'varsity men have been exposed as well as the freshman candidates, and any man who has an attack of scarlet fever at this time of year will almost surely be unable to row in the races next June.

Capt. VanHuyck's illness, while not supposed to be of a serious nature, will be a severe handicap for the Yale freshman crew to carry, as it is very doubtful if he can get into condition to row in the triangular race with Columbia and Harvard. The Theta Delta Chi, one of the most prominent of the Shef. societies, is under the strictest quarantine, and none of the members are allowed to go to recitations, for Capt. Van Huyck belongs to it, and most of the members are said to have been exposed to the disease through him.

President Dwight says that "there is no outbreak of scarlet fever at Yale," a statement which seems to indicate that the authorities believe that the disease is confined to the Theta Delta Chi men.
