
Changes in Recitation Hours.

Action of the Faculty Yesterday Afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon the faculty met and decided by a large majority to adopt the following arrangement of hours for next year.

The morning programme will be the same as now, from 9-1, Afternoon recitations, however, will begin a half-hour earlier, at 1.30, and will last a half-hour later, till 4.30. On Saturdays there will be one hour's work in the afternoon, from 1.30 to 2.30. Athletic games will be allowed to begin as under the present arrangement at 4 p. m.

It will be seen that this plan does not agree with either plan mentioned yesterday in the CRIMSON. Morning prayers will not be interfered with, but the noon hour will be shortened to an half hour. On the score of athletics little fault will be found with it.

The disagreeable feature is the added hour Saturday afternoon. This arrangement was found necessary to get in the two full groups; otherwise a group and a half only would be added.

As mentioned, the Faculty, after careful consideration of the various plans proposed, was largely in favor of the above arrangement.

