
Ninety-Three Nine.

The ninety-three nine will now practice daily on Norton's Field at 3.30 p. m. At present there are some thirty candidates, but the number will soon be reduced to twenty. The nine will be weakened by the loss of Hallowell, Stone, Manley and Watters. Never-theless there is plenty of material to choose from. Captain Wiggin hopes to get a good nine together by the 27th, the date of the first class game. It must be admitted that the playing so far has been wretched. The batting has been poor, the fielding worse, and as regards base stealing and sliding, there has been none. Ninety-three will have to do considerable hard training if it is to win again the class championship.

It is too early to predict the make-up of the team, but the pitchers will undoubtedly be Wiggin and Dinsmore, both of whom have been training with the 'varsity. The other candidates are as follows: Parker, Merriam, Jackson. Manning. Whitmore, Johnson, Hickey, Hoppin, Dodge, Henderson, Duffield, Gallivan, Broughton, Conro, Winsor, Burrows, Ingalls, Dearborn, Marshall, Barlow, MacVeagh, Martin, Sanborn, Hutchinson, Dibblee, Farquhar, Churchill, Strauss, Cochran, Bisbee.
