
Harvard vs. Boston.

The game yesterday was a complete contrast to that of Saturday. Howe's pitching was remarkably wild, the Bostons taking first base on balls nine times. His throwing to bases was also poor. In the infield Hovey made three errors and Dean one. The outfield played well except for one badly misjudged fly by Dickinson. Hallowell and Frothingham both made beautiful catches, each assisting in a timely double play. Cook at third made a fine catch of a ball thrown high over his head. He also made the only clean hit that Harvard got, and his sacrifice in the fifth inning gave us the best hopes of a run that we had during the game.

Boston started out in the first inning at a rapid pace. Long hit safely to right and came home on a passed ball, an error by Howe, and Sullivan's fine hit to centre. Brodie flied out. Stovey hit a grounder to the infield and got around to second on an attempt to retire Long at third. Sullivan's hit brought him home also. Quinn followed Sullivan with a long fly to right. Frothingham caught it prettily and made a fine throw to first, retiring Sullivan before he could get back. For Harvard Dean and Hallowell flied out, and Hovey went out on a grounder to short stop.

In the second inning neither side scored.

In the third Long made the third run for Boston. He got his base on balls, stole second, took third on Howe's poor attempt to put him out at second and came home on Upton's attempt to retire Brodie there. Brodie also got first on balls, second on Howe's wild throw to retire Long and third on a second wild throw by Howe to Hovey. Stovey struck out, and Sullivan knocked a fly to centre. Hallowell gathered it in beautifully, and threw Brodie out at the plate. Harvard went out in one, two, three order.

In the fourth Nash made another run for Boston on a base on balls, an error by Hovey, and a wild pitch. No one got beyond first for Harvard.


In the fifth Boston made two more runs on an error by Dickinson, a base on balls and Quinn's safe hit to right. For Harvard Frothingham knocked a grounder to Long, which the latter fumbled. Dickinson flied out. Upton made a scratch hit to short, and Cook followed with a sacrifice to Quinn, thus advancing Frothingham, who had stolen second, to third, and Upton to second. With two men on bases and two men out, Howe succumbed to Nichols' curves, and no Harvard man afterwards got beyond second base.

In the seventh Boston made two runs on a base on balls, a costly error by Dean, and another hit by Quinn. In the eighth Lake hit a sharp grounder to Hovey, who fumbled and threw very wildly to first. Lake made the round of the bases and ended the scoring of the game.

Following is the score:


a.b. r. b.h. t.b. s.h. p.o. a. e.

Long, s.s., 4 3 1 1 0 1 6 1

Brodie, c.f., 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Stovey, r.f., 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0

M. Sullivan, l.f., 5 1 1 1 0 1 0 0

Quinn, 2b., 4 0 2 2 0 4 4 0
