
The Conant Will.

On Saturday the provisions of the will of the late Edwin Conant, of Worcester, mention of which was made in Thursday's CRIMSON, were announced. As was announced Harvard College is made residuary legatee. The entire estate is valued at $300,000, and the greater part of it is deeded away in public bequests. These bequests are as follows:

Worcester Natural History Society is given the Conant residence in Worcester, valued at twenty thousand dollars, and also ten thousand dollars in cash on condition that the society give a series of lectures at Sterling, Mass., the native town of the testator; to the town of Sterling, six thousand dollars; to the First Congregational parish of Sterling fifteen thousand dollars; to the First Congregational parish of Sterling fifteen thousand dollars; for the support of a high school at Sterling twenty thousand dollars; to two homes for the aged, at Worcester, one thousand dollars each, and one thousand dollars to the city hospital at Worcester; to the American Unitarian Association, five thousand dollars. Five thousand dollars is given to the Harvard Divinity School, and a piece of real estate worth twenty thousand dollars is given to Harvard College. The total amount which Harvard will receive from this will, has been estimated to be at least one hundred thousand dollars. It was Mr. Conant's wish that a building bearing his name be erected with the money if the amount should prove to be sufficient.
