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But even though our track and gymnasium athletics seem to be in no danger, it is a matter of great regret that the winter meetings are falling away; and every means should be taken to revive them. It was with this object of centering the interest that the H. A. A. cut down the number of meetings to two. Some, however, say that this was merely a step towards the final abolishment of the meetings; and that it is only a question of time before the end comes. We are loath to believe this. Though our meetings cannot be run on the scale of some of the larger athletic club meetings-the B. A. A., for instance-yet they can be brought up very greatly by making all the events open to outsiders. A successful trial at this was made in one event on Saturday. If necessary, then, cut down our winter meeting to one; but in that one make the events open and try to bring the meetings up to the level of outside contests. Such a course is the only sure one to bring back interest and success to a Harvard winter meeting.
