
Crew Notes.

Saturday was a perfect day for boating and the 'varsity and class crews were out early in the afternoon. Several of the 'varsity men went out in pair-oars at first: Shaw '94 and Vail '93, with Captain Perkins as coach, were in one boat, Lynam, M. S., and Newell '94, with C. F. Adams 2d in another; while Powers '92 and Cummings '93 were in a double scull. The men rowed as above until about 4 o'clock when the crew was made up as follows:

Stroke, Perkins (catain) '91.

7 Kelton '93.

6 Powers '92.

5 Vail '93.


4 Shaw '94.

3 Cummings '93.

2 Lynam, M. S.

Bow, Newell '94.

Watriss and Rantoul '92 rowed the pair-oar, while Jones '92 went out in a single. C. F. Adams coached the men from the launch.

The freshman crew has been changed about a good deal of late, hardly rowing in the same order two days in succession. Saturday the crew was arranged with: Stroke, Captain Thompson; 7, Waters; 6, Glidden; 5, Saltonstall; 4, S. Williams; 3, Bond; 2, Loring; bow, Johnson. The men in many ways seem to be falling to pieces. They have lost much of the swing which they had when they went on the water at first; besides this they are falling down at the reach, and are not getting the catch firmly enough. There must be a decided improvement soon if the crew expects to make any sort of a showing.

The other class crews are working away steadily. Cumnock '91 has not been rowing for a few days past and Fitshugh is ill, so the senior crew work is necessarily interrupted somewhat.

Lake of the '92 crew has stopped rowing and has been steering the barge for the past few days.
