

No Headline

In the examination in History 12 the men will be held responsible for all of Professor Channing's lectures up to date, and the reading through the Reform Act of 1832.

The U. of P. has adopted as a mark representing the institution a small peanut of red and blue enamel, with "U. of P." in gold on its face.- Princetonian.

Mr. Edwin H. Abbott, '55, will contribute the graduate article for the April Monthly. He will write upon the Harvard Alumni Clubs.

John H. Adams '92, the present champion pole vaulter of Princeton, has been elected a member of the New York Athletic Club.

The directors of the Foxcroft Club have declared a dividend of 5 per cent. which has been deducted from the last term's bill.


The following men have been elected members of the International Law Club: J. C. B. Burbank, Gr., L. M. Scheuer, A. L. Bumpus, E. C. Moen.
