
Union Club Reading Room.

The reading room which the Union Club has recently fitted up, is conveniently and centrally located over Sanborn's, opposite Gore Hall. The room is attractively furnished, heated by an open fire, and lighted by electricity. It is open to members at all hours of the day, and also during the evening, when the college reading room is inaccessible. Among the periodicals on file are Life, Puck, Judge, the Boston Herald, the New York Herald, the Century, Scribners,' Harpers,' the Week's Sport, Outiug, and Fliegende Blaetter.

The membership of the club consists of the members of the twelve clubs forming the Union. But any member of the University may obtain the privileges of the reading room by the payment of one dollar for an admission card. Cards may be obtained from any of the directors: Mr. M. Chamberlain, T. W. Harris, Gr., J. B. Embick, L. S., R. H. Davis '91, W. K. Flint '91, R. E. Tileston '91, R. P. Freeman '91, M. O. Simons '91, G. L. Batchelder '92, F. W. Nicolls '92, and O. G. Villard '93.
