
The 'Varsity Nine.

The 'varsity nine played a short practice game on Jarvis yesterday afternoon, and no one but the batteries did any indoor work. The ground was a little soft and the men found it difficult to manage the wet ball with cold hands, but in spite of these drawbacks the practice was much more satisfactory than work in the cage.

The pitchers took things easily, simply trying to get the ball where the batsman could hit it, so as to give practice in fielding and base-running rather than batting. The work on the whole was rather poor, though some pretty plays were made, notably a running catch by Corbett in left field. The men seemed especially rusty at base-running, allowing themselves to be caught between the bases very often.

The nines were made up as follows: 1st nine-p. Howe, c. Cobb, 1st Dickinson, 2nd Frothingham '93, 3d Dean, ss. Hovey, rt. Frothingham '94, cen. Hallowell, 1. Wood '92. 2nd nine-p. Guerin, c. Mason, 1st McKean and Trafford, 2nd Wrenn and Clark, 3d Chase and Cook, ss. Soule. rt. Neff, cen. Brown, 1. Allen and Corbett.

Today and hereafter the nine will play out-doors if the weather permits. This is exceptionally early for out-door work for the nine, cage work being generally kept up until late in March.
